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  • 9Steps

Program Details

CI/CD is a way of developing software in which you’re able to release updates at any time in a sustainable way. When changing code is routine, development cycles are more frequent, meaningful and faster. “CI/CD” stands for the combined practices of Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD). Continuous Integration is a prerequisite for CI/CD, and requires: Developers to merge their changes to the main code branch many times per day. Each code merge to trigger an automated code build and test sequence. Developers ideally receive results in less than 10 minutes, so that they can stay focused on their work. The job of Continuous Integration is to produce an artifact that can be deployed. The role of automated tests in CI is to verify that the artifact for the given version of code is safe to be deployed. In the practice of Continuous Delivery, code changes are also continuously deployed, although the deployments are triggered manually. If the entire process of moving code from source repository to production is fully automated, the process is called Continuous Deployment. Jenkins: An open source CI automation server, is one of the leading continuous delivery and continuous integration tools on the market. The leading open source automation server, Jenkins provides hundreds of plugins to support building and automating any project. Once a project is tested, Jenkins also supports the ability to deploy code with CD.

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